For many couples, achieving pregnancy can be a climb to Mount Kilimanjaro. Aspiring parents sometimes face stiff challenges like low sperm count, blocked tubes, ovarian cysts and ovulation problems among others.
Lisa Olson, a Chinese health consultant and former infertility patient, has been there. But after finally giving birth to two children at age 43, Olson is back with a book that teaches women and men around the world how to achieve conception without tasting drugs or going under the knife.
Titled, Pregnancy Miracle, Holistic and Ancient Chinese System for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies, Olson details her journey in the desert of infertility and how she got her children naturally after years of back-breaking fertility drugs, exercises, diet and herbal treatment.
She matches her harrowing experience with years of holistic and Chinese medical research while also picking the brains of fertility experts. The result is a 240-page e-book that can be assessed all over the world. The author has also reached out to women who have had failed in-vitro fertilisation, IVF. Olson calls her discovery a ‘cure’. “I have battled with my so-called infertility for more than a decade until I have finally found a cure, got pregnant twice and now I am proud mother of two beautiful, healthy children,” said Olson.
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