
His background as not just a medical doctor but an obstretician and gynaecologist, no doubt influenced his policy of free maternal and childcare with a resolve to reduce to the barest minimum, the maternal and infant mortality ratio. To achieve this, needed infrastructure have been put in place and today, the success story is that the government has been able to achieve Goal 5 of the Millennium Development Goals, MDG, which is a reduction in maternal mortality.
The recently commissioned 100-bed Mother and Child Hospital in Warri, and a similar one nearing completion at the Ekpan General Hospital, the newly unveiled Eku Baptist Government Hospital, and the flagship Delta State University Teaching Hospital, DELSUTH, Oghara, in addition to the over 64 General Hospitals spread across the state, have brought efficient maternal and child care to the doorstep of women in the state.
The maternal and child healthcare programme is firmly established and enjoying tremendous success and support all over the state, as the hospitals, built mainly to cater for the need of mother and child, aside from offering free medical services, especially for pregnant women and children below five years, also provide free help lines and phone lines all over the state. What this means is that women in the rural areas, can also access healthcare. The neo-natal intensive care units of the teaching hospital at Oghara and the Mother and Child Hospital, Warri are second to none such that premature babies are adequately catered for.
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